On Thursday, Oct. 17 Green Hopes Choir performed its fall concert, “Caught In a Dream.” They played 11 songs and the concert lasted an hour. Preparation for this concert began at the beginning of the school year.
The performance consisted of a wide variety of songs. Chorus Director Mr. Allen Botwick worked with students to choose the songs that would challenge and contribute to growth within the students.

Mr. Botwick started his teaching career at Green Hope High School in 2019 after completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and Vocal Performance. He shared background on his student’s preparation for the concert. “At the start of the school year, we work really hard to build a community so singers are more likely to be vulnerable with their singing in class. Within the first two weeks of school we were learning the pieces for the Fall Concert,” Mr. Botwick said.

A four-semester chorus student, Shane Lauver (’26), helps Green Hope’s Collaborative Pianist Carol Myers by turning the sheet music as she plays. Lauver discussed the songs he liked the most at the concert. “Two of my favorite songs were ‘Does the World Say’ which advanced Treble did a great job with and probably, ‘There Was a Time’ which I sang,” Lauver said.
Building a strong community and making the students comfortable with one another is an essential part of any team, especially chorus. In order for the chorus concert to be a success, they began practicing the fall concert pieces two weeks into the school year. Any team needs a leader and for Chorus that is Emily Purdy (‘25), the president of Green Hope Chorus.
Before high school Purdy did not have any chorus experience. Since Freshman year she has taken chorus every semester. She has been part of Green Hope’s voices of Hope, the advanced choir, since her Sophomore year. Purdy had an opportunity to perform a solo with her chosen song “Does the World Say.” She said, ” This song holds a special place in my heart as it describes the community of chorus. The lyrics, ‘I don’t stand a chance if it’s me in this world all alone’ highlights that we all need support and love to get through life.” Purdy views this song as a reflection of the positive things she’s found in chorus and the amazing relationships she’s built through this program.
A major goal of Chorus is to make sure that everyone feels included and valued. The concert ended with the audience clapping and congratulating all of the singers on their performance. With the conclusion of this concert, preparation begins for the winter concert on Dec. 19.