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For students, by students.

The GH Falcon

The GH Falcon

The GH Falcon


The Green Hope Falcon is the student news organization for Green Hope High School. We strive to provide relevant, engaging, factual journalism that is for students, by students.

Our policies are contrived from those of the Society of Professional Journalists. Learn more about their code of ethics here

Editorial process 

Our journalists are expected to abide by the same ethical standards uphelp by professional journalists – to provide accurate, fair journalism with integrity at the highest levels. 

The staff is responsible for pitching story ideas, which the editorial team reviews and assigns to writers based on relevance and importance to the Green Hope community. All content is expected to the unbiased and accurate, and any information contained within in them will be fact-checked prior to publication. The editorial team issues approval for all content to be published on the site. 

All work must be original, and any quotations or outside information will be attributed to the original source. Plagiarism, both intentional or accidental, is a serious offense and will be addressed by the editorial team or the advisor. 

Any errors identified after publication, whether that be from a staff member of reader, will be edited and issued with a correction or clarification. 


The Opinion/Editorial section is intended to offer the diverse perspectives on various issues within the community and inform public discourse. Writers may offer analysis of current events, personal perspectives on certain issues, or provide a unique viewpoint, but are expected to adhere to the same standards of accuracy and professionalism. 

The content in this represents the individual opinions of the columnist, and do not necessarily represent the views of the publication as a whole. 

Conflicts of Interest 

All journalists are expected to disclose potential conflicts of interests in their reporting, editing, or any other form of contribution to the publication. We do not accept gifts, favors, or benefits from sources, orgnaizations, or individuals who compromise our journalistic integrity. 

Further, we do not participate in partisan politics, nor do we promote any political views. 

Diversity of Sources 

Actively seeking sources from a diverse range of perspectives is paramount to our work. We aim to cover individuals with a wide variety of experiences and expertise, whom can provide accurate and insightful information to readers. 

We strive to ensure that all stories include balanced views from multiple perspectives, and prioritize the voices of those most directly affected by the issue or event in question. 

Anonymous Sourcing 

Content may only use anonymous sources if it can be reasonable assumed that the source may be at risk of harm due to the publication of their name. The use of anonymous sourcing must be disclosed to the editorial team, who will make the decision at their discretion. 

Comment Policy 

We welcome comments in response to any published material, and encourage conversations among readers. However, any writing that threatens violence, initmidation, harrassment, or any other form of danger, are subject to review by the editorial team and the advisor, and will be handled accordingly.

GH Falcon Former Editor-in-Chiefs 

Uma Bhat & Ameena Farooqi (’21)

Shea McIntyre & Samir Tusneem (’22)

Lucas Moore (’23)

Zeba Hussaini (’24)

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