Shea McIntyre, Co-Editor-in-Chief
One of the two Editors in Chief for the Green Hope Falcon, Shea (who's friends call her Shea Bae) enjoys hanging out with her friends and window shopping especially at Free People and Urban Outfitters. Looking at her inspirations, one thing that inspires Shea the most is seeing women having leadership roles and in power. Shea's plans are to one day be an author, and she plans on attending a college that has a cute library since she'll spend a lot of time reading and studying in one place.
A couple of additional fun facts about Shea, if she could create a class at Green Hope she would establish a class about the criminology of the Free Britney movement, her favorite season is either summer or fall despite her favorite movie being Elf, her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, due to the good food she gets to devour each year, and, if she could, Shea would want to live a double popstar/normal girl life like Hannah Montana as a career.
When asked to give a bit of advice not only for future writers in this class but also to our wonderful readers, Shea said, “Try out everything and say yes to as many opportunities as you can because you never know what you might love or who you will meet.”