Ever wonder where those perfect Instagram pictures are taken? Or where a perfect afternoon with friends and family would take place? Do you ever wonder where you could take those perfect floral photos for Instagram? Or where you could spend a perfect afternoon with friends and family? As cold weather phases out and warm weather takes over, flower fields around the Triangle come into bloom, providing scenic backdrops for a sunny day out. From sunflowers to roses, daisies to daffodils, there are a variety of flower fields across the area!
Dorothea Dix Park
Located by Downtown Raleigh, Dorothea Dix Park provides lush fields of sunflowers and daffodils. Adjacent to Hunt Drive and Dawkins Drive, the five-acre field creates a stunning contrast between Downtown Raleigh and a lush, quiet park. In the rows of sunflowers, visitors are able to take a stroll within the flowers, as well as take pictures in front of the lush, yellow background.
North Carolina Museum of Art
Aside from the beautiful exhibits of art, the North Carolina Museum of Art holds beautiful flower fields in their park along the eco-trail. Holding flowers such as daisies, sunflowers, zinnias and more, the North Carolina Museum of Art fosters a day filled with allure. Within the museum’s park, visitors can walk among sculptures and flower fields, creating the perfect environment for pictures.

Tailgate Farms
Located in Durham, Tailgate Farms offers a unique twist to a day in a flower field. Here, visitors are able to pick flowers and berries and purchase fresh produce and products, such as fruit preserves and candles made directly from their farm. Visitors can also cut and arrange flowers, topping their day off with a bouquet of fresh-grown flowers.
Lavender Oaks Farm
On this sixty-acre farm in Chapel Hill, the meadows of lavender present visitors with an immediate waft of calming aroma, emanating from the field of silvery-purple buds. Visitors can also enjoy a boutique that sells lavender-based cosmetics and foods, as well as whole flowers. Along with the boutique, visitors can also enjoy yoga classes, lunches, dinners and craft workshops. For special occasions, Lavender Oaks Farm also serves as a wedding venue: a perfect place to contrast the formal, grand event with the wild, blooming fields.
From flower pickings to family outings, flower fields provide a vibrant, fragrant and picturesque setting that enhances an afternoon out. Across the Triangle, there are a variety of areas that provide these amenities that are all free for you and your friends and family to enjoy!