The Green Hope men’s lacrosse team has been working fiercely throughout the season. Despite wins and losses, the team has persevered, ending the season off with a strong 17-9 win against Cary. The team is proud of their accomplishments this season, and the friendships made on and off the field.
Richie DeCristo

Richard (Richie) DeCristo, is currently a sophomore at Green Hope, and in his second year playing on the men’s varsity lacrosse team. DeCristo began playing lacrosse in fifth grade and hopes to continue playing lacrosse following high school. He hopes to end the year strong and set more goals moving forward. DeCristo’s favorite team moment since he began playing lacrosse at Green Hope was when they beat Jordan last season and hopes to continue creating special team moments throughout the remainder of his lacrosse career at Green Hope. In the future, DeCristo hopes to play lacrosse at the collegiate level. Outside of school, Richie enjoys playing Fortnite, working out and spending time with friends.
Tripp Stafford

John (Tripp) Stafford is currently a sophomore at Green Hope, and this is his second year playing lacrosse on varsity. Stafford began playing lacrosse in seventh grade and joined because he wanted to try out a new sport. As the season rounds up, Stafford hopes to make the playoffs and beat Apex Friendship, as the team had fallen short last time. When asked about his biggest accomplishment, Stafford said he was proud of the fact that he made varsity freshman and sophomore year, and described his favorite team moment to be when they beat Leesville. Stafford is excited for next season and looks forward to creating more memories on the team. Outside of school, Stafford enjoys working out and playing video games.
Ben Easter

Ben Easter is a junior on the varsity men’s lacrosse team and is a new player this year. Easter was motivated to play by many of his companions on the team and the excitement of trying out a new sport. Easter hopes to continue playing Lacrosse at the collegiate level following his high school years. He describes his proudest accomplishment this season as scoring a goal against Leesville School in his first season, but the best feeling was not the wins or the losses but the friendships and community that surrounded him on the team. Easter described his favorite times were on the rides over to away games where he and his friends could talk and goof around. Outside of school, Ben enjoys going to the gym and working at Brixx with his friends.
William McKinley

Will McKinley (‘25), is currently a junior on the men’s varsity lacrosse team. McKinley began playing lacrosse because the team needed a goalie, but also aspired to take after his brother who also played lacrosse. When asked about his goals for this season, McKinley mentioned that he hopes to be a top 3 goalie in the conference, but also hopes to be able to guide the defense and be a positive addition to the team in general. He is proud of the team’s win against Leesville and recounts that game to be one of the best of the team’s performances this season. McKinley is a devoted member of the team and hopes to receive a scholarship to play lacrosse at the collegiate level. His favorite team moments were when the team beat Jordan 14-13 last season, as well as when they scored a 7-5 win against Leesville this season.
Keo Rollin

Keo Rollin is currently a senior and this is his second year on the men’s varsity lacrosse team. Rollin initially joined the team because of the influence of his friends but grew to enjoy the sport and the friendships that came along with it. Rollin has strived to connect with his lacrosse family and coaches throughout the season. His goal to finish out his high school lacrosse career is to hit one more goal for Green Hope. Rollins’ message he wants to leave for his underclassman teammates is to keep striving to win and work to make positive connections with one another. Rollin’s biggest accomplishment this year was scoring during the Fight for 55 bringing home the win for Green Hope. He will not be continuing to play lacrosse after high school but he is grateful for everything the team has given him throughout his athletic career. Outside of school, Rollin enjoys skateboarding and hanging out with his friends.
Ryan Musteikis

Ryan Musteikis is a senior on the men’s lacrosse team and will be finishing out his second year for Green Hope. Musteikis is a multi-varsity athlete for Green Hope, participating in both lacrosse and soccer. Musteikis originally joined the team for the friendships that surrounded him but soon after his first season, he grew to love the sport. Musteikis’s goal throughout the season has been working to make playoffs for his final year at Green Hope. Musteikis shares that his biggest accomplishment this season on the team was scoring three goals to bring home another championship for the Fight for 55 against Panther Creek. Musteikis shares that his favorite moments are winning and getting food after the game Musteikis leaves behind a message for his underclassman teammates to continue to practice and keep working hard. Outside of school, Ryan enjoys playing soccer with his friends, working, and playing golf.
The team participates in game-day dinners with one another’s family and friends and many players comment that their favorite memories were made on the bus ride home from away games. Their determination has shown through it all as they enter their first week of playoffs, and the team continues to work hard during practice while continuing to support each other in every aspect of life.