A-Mayse-ing! Mr. Matt Mayse wins Excellence in Teaching Award

Jessica Mayse

Mr. Mayse was one of the recipients of the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Cary Chamber of Commerce, which honored teachers in all schools in the surrounding Cary area.

Amna Ahmad, Staff Writer

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the minds of future generations. Through their unwavering commitment to the classroom, they make a lasting impact on the lives of their students. Recently, one teacher at Green Hope High School was recognized for outstanding contributions to their student’s education.

On May 9th, Green Hope English and Leadership in Media teacher Mr. Matthew Mayse was granted the Excellence in Teaching award from the Cary Chamber of Commerce through the “Honor a Teacher” program. The award serves to honor and appreciate teachers’ dedication and hard work across the Cary area with teachers from all grade levels eligible for nomination. 

This year’s Green Hope nominees included Mr. Gregory O’Brien, Ms. Melissa Poppe, Mr. Allen Botwick, Mr. Matthew Mayse, and Mr. Shanda Hutchison. Mr. Mayse stated that “being recognized with these four outstanding teachers was humbling and a true honor.”

Mr. Mayse has been a teacher for 16 years and has taught at Green Hope for six years. In an interview with The GH Falcon, he touched on his journey towards becoming an educator. 

“I’ve wanted to teach since I was 15 years old. I started to teach, and took a break, but came back to teaching afterwards. It’s what I’m supposed to do,” he said. “Every day is a gift for me to be able to teach.”

As an English IV and AP English Literature and Composition teacher, Mr. Mayse strives to ensure his students enjoy his classes and gain new perspectives on literature and writing. He aims to close the gap between literature and real-world scenarios. “I want students to be able to connect anything they learn to real life and everyday experience so that literature is not dull,” he said.

AP English Literature and Composition student Lexie Davila (‘23) was elated to hear about Mr. Mayse’s award. She touched on her experience in his class and her changing perspective on literature.

“Mr. Mayse puts a strong focus on academics of course, but also on creating a community and building friendships and respect within the class. If anyone deserved this award, it was definitely Mr. Mayse.”

During the 2021-22 school year, Mr. Mayse also took over Green Hope’s student-led newspaper, The Green Hope Falcon. During his tenure, The Falcon has won the SNO Distinguished Site Award and has reached #2 in the nation. As of today, The GH Falcon Staff has won over 20 Best of SNO National Awards. 

Beyond the Green Hope Falcon, Mr. Mayse makes an impact on each individual student. To win the award, students and parents sent in messages of support to the Honor a Teacher program for the winning nominee. Explaining in detail how Mr. Mayse contributed to their son’s education, one anonymous source delved deep into their son’s experience as Mayse’s student.

“Mr. Mayse played a critical role in helping my son to pass English when things looked bleak. When all others, including parents and family, could not connect with our son, Mr. Mayse found a way to guide our struggling student down the path of perseverance and to find it within to grit through to the finish line,” they said.

While a singular award can not sum up the impact of a teacher, Mr. Mayse’s dedication to his career and impact on students is recognized through the Town of Cary and Green Hope High School.