Sophomore Shreya Ravi Admitted Into Governor’s School For Choral Music

Photo taken by Shreya Ravi

Shreya Ravi accepted into Governor’s School for Choral Music

Samir Tusneem, Co-Editor-in-Chief

The North Carolina Governor’s School is a summer program offered to talented high school students from around the state. Focusing on academics and the arts, Governor’s school provides accepted students with the resources they need to go above and beyond. Just recently, Green Hope sophomore Shreya Ravi was accepted into the school for choral music.

“I was beyond excited to find out that I was accepted into the program. I had initially been called to the front office without knowing why, so it came as a huge surprise when I found out that I got accepted,” Ravi recalled. “I remember I immediately ran over to tell Mr. Botwick in the chorus room to let him know,” she added.

This dream became a reality through hard work and dedication. The application process for the program consisted of two essays and two supplemental writings. However, since she was an applicant for the choral music program, she also had to submit a recording of a song named “Do Not Go, My Love by Richard Hageman.” After this, she was accepted to represent Wake County in the second set of auditions for Governor’s School where she submitted a recording of scales to show her vocal range as well as a video of another song, “Think of Me” from the Phantom of the Opera, which she personally chose as it is one of her favorite songs.

In regards to her application, Ravi believes that one aspect of her identity, in particular, made her stand out: her passion for singing. 

“I have been singing for many years and showed my love for the art, both in my audition clips as well as my essays. I think that love was conveyed in my application and made me stand out in the end,” she explained.

In addition to her application, Ravi mentioned a multitude of activities that she was involved in all throughout high school to help craft her narrative. These activities included Student Council, doing Classical Indian Music from the age of six, being a member of the Green Hope chorus program for the past two years, and being a member of multiple collegiate level choruses such as the Capital City Girl’s Chorus at Meredith College for six years. From these activities, Ravi wanted to ensure that the readers would see her passion for choral music as well as her leadership and community-building skills.

Other than the success that largely came from her dedication to pursuing her passion, Ravi accredits the Green Hope environment for this opportunity as well.

“I think that my teachers and friends most easily shaped my success in the Green Hope Community. Specifically, Mr. Botwick, the chorus teacher, was extremely helpful throughout my application process. He was always there to listen to my audition pieces and give advice along the way,” she stated. “Furthermore, he was a great sounding board for choosing my songs and even played the piano accompaniment in my audition video. Truly I do not think I would have been able to get into Governor’s School without his guidance and support,” she added.

For students who hope to apply to the program in the future, Ravi advises to carefully consider the essays. 

“I would say the biggest thing is to think about your essays a lot and make sure that the topic you want to go in for is something you genuinely have a passion for. Also, have fun, and ask for lots of help.”

In Governor’s School, Ravi hopes to meet new people who foster similar interests, as well as those in the other programs who she believes she can learn from. She hopes to take the opportunities provided to improve her range and become a stronger singer, ultimately citing the goal of growing as both a performer and as an individual.