Freaky Friday Takes Center Stage

Amarah Pearson

Green Hope theatre’s production of Freaky Friday premieres on Thursday!

Lucas Moore, Editor-in-Chief

After hours upon hours of work, the Green Hope theatre department’s production of Freaky Friday is finally hitting the stage. It’s a proud moment for members of the production, who have stayed for hours after school each day putting it all together. 

Director Peter Comporatore said, “Directing a musical is always such a huge undertaking. The singing, the acting, the dancing, the technical elements and the pit orchestra have to collaborate and lock in together to create a cohesive show.”

Cast members such as Props Master Ria Rohilla (‘24) echoed this sentiment, saying, “There’s been a lot of organizing and compiling of all the different props between the two sides of the stage. We also had a few major projects like the wedding cake, set dressing, and wedding design that involved more crafting!”

The set was assembled by Green Hope students, including Production Designer Gracie Wood (right) and crew member Zaynab Almayali (left). (Gracie Wood)

That work has culminated in a production that cast members are excited for friends, family, and members of the community to see. Rohilla continued, “I’m so excited for the audience to hear all the fantastic ensemble numbers, and see the amazing set and lighting design!”

This production has been an exciting project for everyone involved, but it also carries mixed emotions for seniors whose last Green Hope production is Freaky Friday. Technical Director Abhishri Agarwal (‘22) said, “It is bittersweet; knowing that I have left my mark and have been changed as a person by the fantastic program but now I have to leave everything I’ve known to be familiar and comfortable which is scary.”

Freaky Friday premieres on Thursday, March 31st at 7pm, and cast and crew members urge everyone to come see it. “It’s an amazing way to support the arts community at school, and it’s easy to make a night out of! If you know someone in the cast/crew/pit, coming to see the show is such an appreciative way to support them,” Rohilla said.

Additional performances will be held on Friday, April 1st at 7pm and Saturday, April 2nd at both 1pm and 7pm. Tickets can be purchased here.