Cary Community marches for reproductive rights
October 8 was Designated as a Day of Protest Across the Country

Protesters participating in the Cary Women’s March on October 8th, 2022.
October 11, 2022
*Disclaimer: The GH Falcon does not impose any political or social views when writing news articles. This article represents news in the community.
On October 8, exactly one month before election day, people across the country gathered in their neighborhoods to march for women’s reproductive rights. These individuals voiced their disapproval of Roe v Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court in June
One of the marches that took place was located in Cary, North Carolina. Protesters gathered at the Cary Town Hall to march through the streets of downtown Cary and spread awareness about the issue.

As marchers protested, cars honked in support as the crowd chanted phrases such as “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Patriarchy has got to go!” and “My body, my choice!”
The GH Falcon interviewed participants about their involvement as well as what nationwide changes they hope to see in the future.
UNC students Katlyn Tran and Sarah Zhang met at their university through a political campaign. When they discovered information surrounding the march, they decided to participate.
“I’ve been really involved in community activism for the past few years. We both come from a background where we really cared about politics and wanted to bring that energy here,” said Zhang. “This was the closest protest we could find, but we just wanted to show up for what we believed in.”

Beyond the reproductive rights protest, Tran and Zhang also hope to stress the importance of the upcoming elections to youth in the area.
“Voting is the most important thing right now. If you can vote, do it,” said Tran.
“Body autonomy is such a fundamental right, especially with the election coming up, so we’re really hoping to mobilize more young people to go vote this year,” added Zhang.
Tran and Zhang were a few of the many at the protest that believed in the necessity for government-level changes.
Sage, Ben and Laine, volunteers for the Party for Socialism and Liberation who wish to keep their last names anonymous, were also at the march in attempt to send a message to lawmakers.
“We need serious reform in this country. They aren’t protecting our rights, and reproductive rights being at risk is a health issue that we need to take seriously,” said Sage. “There’s definitely strength in unity.”
The three volunteers encouraged youth to work together and push for change in the nation. While voting is important, they believe that there is more we can do as a community to voice our opinions.

“Building communities is just as important as voting. We need to be out there talking to our neighbors, getting involved with local organizations, and having our voices heard,” said Laine.
“Find an organization that fits your values and is fighting for something. Get to work because the government’s not coming to help us, we’ve got to help ourselves,” noted Ben.
Midterm elections will be held on November 8th, however, early voting begins on October 20th.
The last day to register to vote in North Carolina is October 14th. For more information, visit