Green Hope National Honor Society Inductions
National Honor Society inducted new members on Tuesday, April 19th.
April 22, 2022
On Tuesday, April 19th, Green Hope’s National Honor Society hosted its annual Induction Ceremony for the recently accepted rising juniors and seniors.
Each year, prospective members work tirelessly on their applications. A new inductee, Stella Minicucci, said,“The application process was very detail-oriented but not very stressful. You had to create a slideshow of all the volunteer events you had done and provide a description of the activity. You also had to get teacher recommendations from a few teachers of your choice.”
This year, 51 rising juniors and seniors were inducted into the honor society, making Green Hope’s total member count 133 students. Making up only about 4% of the student body, these students truly are the best and the brightest.
In an interview with the Green Hope Falcon, Ms. Laura Kovalaske, the NHS advisor, spoke on her experiences working with NHS students for her eighth year.

As a former member of NHS herself, Ms. Kovalaske emphasized, “These are kids that are not only academically sound but are also volunteering in the community and volunteering at Green Hope. They have a lot of things going on, but through it all, they’re still able to maintain that balance, and it’s something that we should all strive for. The induction ceremony is a way to celebrate the good despite always hearing about the bad in the world.”
This year, NHS members have exemplified this good in the community. NHS banded together to donate food at Thanksgiving, created handmade blankets for children in shelters and hospitals, and formed a tutoring program to help Green Hope students recover from the pandemic.

NHS President Sashank Ganapathiraju spoke to these efforts, saying, “these events, while certainly not even coming close to encompassing the rest of the volunteering that our members provide, are a symbol of our NHS chapter’s commitment to the betterment of the community around us. Because we believe that with uplifted surroundings, everyone, including us, can prosper.”
NHS inductees hope to continue this legacy entering next year. One inductee, sophomore Jana Tagel-Din, provided insight on what the induction ceremony meant to her as a student embodying the spirit of service and dedication.
“Not only was my family there to support me, but the ceremony taught me many valuable lessons while incorporating a sense of humor as well. For example, Mr. O’Brien’s speech was not only funny but also inspiring. Seeing all of the old and new inductees together celebrating their achievement was overall significant and meaningful,” said Tagel-Din.
Beyond the ceremony itself, the inductees also expressed what they are most looking forward to as new members of the organization.
Stella Minicucci said, “I am really looking forward to all the service projects we get to do. I can’t wait to do fun volunteer activities with my peers!”
“I am looking most forward to making new connections with all of the members, whether they have just joined or have been in NHS for a longer time. Additionally, I am looking forward to making a difference in the community, as I believe that the happiest people are the ones who help others the most,” added Tagel-Din.
Green Hope Principal Camille Hedrick concluded the ceremony with a congratulatory speech as well to serve as a reminder to the NHS student body.
“Green Hope High School is committed to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. They aren’t just words to us, they are our values,” stated Dr. Hedrick.