Performances, stands, food and dances were only some of what was offered at the most recent student council event: Culture Night. Green Hope’s student council enabled the diverse population at Green Hope to express their cultures in a fun-filled social event.
Mansib Sacheha, the sophomore class president, discussed some of the analytics and setup of the culture night. He gave a brief overview of what it is, and said, “Culture night was an opportunity for students to showcase their traditions through stands and performances.” Through this simple idea, many students at Green Hope were able to express themselves to the school community.
This idea started back in September during the first sophomore council meeting, according to Sacheha. He talked about the intended purpose of this night, and stated, “The intended purpose was to showcase the cultural diversity at Green Hope and have an event where people can bring their music, artifacts, foods and other culturally significant items.” They allowed the numerous cultures at Green Hope to present themselves and teach about themselves.
A ton of work went into this project, spearheaded by the sophomore class. Sacheha discussed the setup, walking through the process. “Our responsibilities for making culture night happen were to have good communication with the admin on what spaces and materials we needed, invite cultural clubs and any individuals interested in making a stand or performing and work the logistics of decorations, volunteers and attendees,” he said. Through this process, they were able to turn this idea into a real success for the school.

Sacheha discussed his thoughts on the future of this event, and talked about what else he would like to see happen. He discussed his plans and said, “I believe culture night was a massive success especially since this was our first year doing this event. I have plans of expanding this event next year by inviting more clubs and performances and having a larger space.” With the first year being a huge accomplishment, future culture nights at Green Hope are sure to up the bar and continue to be a highlight of the student council.
While the event was orchestrated by the student council and the specific clubs, Sacheha offered a path for students to help out with this event and the student council in general. He stated, “Students can get involved with the student council to help out with these events by staying informed of what events and opportunities we put out and reaching out to us on their ideas and feedback for future events. We would love to hear from our students.” Any student has the opportunity to reach out and provide ideas on student council events.
Culture night was undoubtedly the success that the student council hoped to achieve. Through hard work and effort to allow everyone to be heard, the sophomore class managed to turn a simple idea into a night to remember and continue every year at Green Hope.