Athletic events at Green Hope are popular, with many games drawing over 100 students. The GH Falcon surveyed 107 students and staff to find out which student section theme was the overall favorite.

1. Black out
In the lead as Green Hope staff and students’ favorite theme, black out won with eighteen votes. For this theme, the student section was filled with people in all black outfits with eye-black stripes on their faces. Many seniors wore their black Green Hope graduation shirts to create a sense of community.
2. USA
Being the second favorite theme, the Green Hope community enjoys dressing up for the USA games. In years past, students have worn outfits of founding fathers and shown up wearing American flags. This theme has always been popular and usually brings in large crowds.
3. Neon out
As one of the favorites, students have transformed this theme from more than just neon out to also wearing construction-themed clothes. Reflective vests and hats are worn on top of neon clothes. Neon out is inarguably the most colorful theme.
4. Pink out
In support of breast cancer, Green Hope staff and students wear all pink to a volleyball and football game every October. Many student section leaders also wear pink ribbons on their shirts to further represent breast cancer awareness month. People use pink eye-black and some students go as far as spray-painting their hair.
5. White out
Although this year’s white out football game against Panther Creek was rainy and cold, students and staff showed up sporting their white clothes. Many crowd members could be seen wearing rain jackets or even ponchos. Since this game was against Green Hope’s number one rival, many students wore the white “Fight for 55” t-shirts to cheer on the Falcons.
6. Jersey out
As a fairly simple theme, jersey out is done by wearing a sports jersey of any kind. Some Green Hope students wear their sports team jersey to represent their school spirit. Many of the students and staff that voted for this theme did so because it was easy to dress for.
6. Camo out
Camo out was tied with jersey out. This year, the football camo out game was delayed for an hour and ten minutes due to thunder and lighting. However, there was still a large crowd with everyone in theme. Some students wore their parents’ army outfits to demonstrate the camo and others wore hunting gear.
7. Western Out
While it’s not the most popular theme, students are often inspired to go all out for western out games. At both the football and volleyball games that used this theme, there were many people wearing cowboy hats and cowboy boots.