“Just one more step”. Hundreds of kids continue along the path toward the finish line repeating that exact phrase in their head with every passing second. While cross country can be both a mentally and physically taxing sport, athletes Rafael Dlott (‘27) and Olivia Percival-Shim (‘27) have crossed the finish line many times, surpassing expectations as underclassmen runners.
Both Dlott and Percival-Shim sat down with the GH Falcon and answered some questions about their respective running journeys, and the realities of cross country for underclassmen.
What prompted an interest in cross country?
The two athletes had drastically different origins to their running career. Percival-Shim revealed “I started in a running program when I was eight. I trained for two 5ks each year… My older brother started running so I did too.” Dlott on the other hand, “started running track in 7th grade… I wanted to do a sport in middle school.” Despite these opposite backgrounds, both runners are making large strides of progress within Green Hope’s XC team.

Photo used with permission from Julie Ross.
What were some expectations when entering high school in terms of athletics?
Both runners were quite confident entering their freshmen years. “I expected it to go well because I had been training during summer and it’s similar to what I’ve done,” said Dlott. Percival-Shim expanded on this idea, “the upperclassmen connected with us younger runners… It’s been more fun and I’m used to 5ks.” Both athletes have already placed near the top of their respective genders at Green Hope, likely due to strenuous summer practices and their experiences on middle school track teams.
What’s the best part about being on varsity as an underclassmen?
Percival-Shim’s favorite part has been “getting to know older people,” she continued, “since we started over summer, it’s nice to know people before school started. We had exciting practices and themes.” Dlott also enjoyed “Training with upperclassmen. It ultimately feels like I belong which is good. The team has had a pretty good relationship so far.”
What adversity is commonly faced as an underclassmen on varsity?
Since both these athletes have been competing with the best of the best, it’s no surprise some adversity has come their way. Percival-Shim revealed “It’s hard to run against older people because I know I won’t be winning any races, I’m just somewhere in the middle.” Dlott continued on this thought, “As a freshmen most people don’t expect me to run with them.” This expectation is something both runners work hard to overcome: “I’m proving to other schools that I can do just as good as them, if not better, as a freshmen.”

What should be anticipated for the next few years in Green Hope cross country?
Percival-Shim and Dlott are not the only underclassmen who are performing well this year. “We have a lot of good freshmen, so the team is going to get better,” said Percival-Shim. Dlott echoed this, “expect us to be very successful.” The two athletes also emphasized the family aspect of XC. “We’re going to have a good community” and “a good time,” they assured.
Both runners just ran personal records for the 5 kilometer race at the Adidas XC Challenge; Percival-Shim ran a 22:47 and Dlott ran a 17:20. These two freshmen athletes are not only already competing at the highest invitational events, but are at the forefront of the bright future in Green Hope cross country.