Triangle treasures: 2023 edition
January 10, 2023
Happy New Year Falcons! With 2023 underway, the Triangle has loads of events happening throughout the new year. Here, the GH Falcon has compiled a list of interesting experiences happening in the first half of 2023 for you to look out for.

Town of Cary throws the Dreamfest to provide opportunities for community service, honor the legacy of MLK Jr. and focus on the issue of civil rights in which he so heavily embedded himself in.
(Unseen Histories)
January 2023
First up we have the Town of Cary’s Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Annual Dreamfest Weekend. Town of Cary aims to provide opportunities for community service, honor the legacy of MLK Jr. and focus on the issue of civil rights in which he so heavily embedded himself in. The Dreamfest will run from January 13-16 and offer children storytelling events, photography exhibitions, and film showings at the Downtown Cary Theater. The opportunities for community involvement include clothing donations, food drives, and Good Hope Farm improvement. The town invites those in the area to come to any and all events.
Also happening in January is Triangle Restaurant Week! Foodies will heavily enjoy the week of January 23-29, as participating restaurants in the region will have special three-course menu options and fixed pricing. Event pricing is $15 for a three course lunch and either $25, $30, $35, or $40 for a two to three-course dinner. Restaurants all over the Triangle are participating but Cary’s entries include Peck & Plume, Urban Angeethi, Ruth’s Chris Steak House Cary, Ko-An, and the infamous Doherty’s Irish Pub. With opportunities like this, it makes an excellent opportunity for residents to try out new cuisines and top-rated restaurants, so don’t miss out!

February 2023
With February comes the Krispy Kreme Challenge! On the 4th of this month, runners will be challenged to run five miles, with a donut break consisting of 2400 calories in just 12 donuts, all in under an hour. The break is smack in the middle of your five mile run creating an exhilarating but painful experience. The run and its surrounding events raise money for the UNC Children’s Hospital, and last year Krispy Kreme was able to donate $92,000 to the hospital from this event alone. A five mile run, a dozen donuts, and a good cause? Sounds like the perfect activity for a cool February day.

March 2023
In March, North Carolina’s Museum of Art will host Art in Bloom. The exhibit will display the creative interpretations of floral designers surrounding the works of art in the Museum collection. Tickets go on sale soon with member sales happening on January 18 for $30, and nonmembers’ sales happening on February 1 for $33. Floral arrangements will be available for viewing from March 15–19.
May 2023

On May 7, Apex will host the Peakfest to commemorate the Peak of Good Living. Historic downtown Apex is transformed into a spectacular street fair, with festival food, 200+ arts in crafts, plenty of entertainment with stages with music, dance, acts, and rides. Some of the mentioned food vendors include Bruster’s Real Ice Cream, Cinnabon Food Truck, Kona Ice of Western Wake, and Mr. A’s Beignets.
As well as Peakfest, Raleigh’s Artsplosure festival is also happening in May. Artsplosure is a festival showing the award-winning Art Market with over 175 fine artists and craftspeople exhibiting original works of art in 10 different categories such as painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, woodwork, and more. At the festival, attendees can watch live music performances on the main stage from up-and-coming national and regional artists, enjoy free arts and crafts, and indulge in one-of-a-kind art installations on display throughout downtown Raleigh. The event is completely free for all to attend!

With the start of the new year, these hot spots are sure to make it on your list of what to check out in the upcoming months. With something to do for someone of any age, the Triangle is ready to make 2023 its best yet!