Guest Editorial: secures funding for 2023
Utilizing private donations from the Green Hope Community allows the student journalism program to thrive.
Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash
A standard of unity guides the principles behind the GHFalcon.
January 6, 2023
The student journalism program, known as Leadership in Media, successfully secured our funding exclusively through private donations made by our generous Green Hope community.
Costs associated with our website platform must be renewed yearly. As the instructor of the program, I set a goal that no school or district funds would be used to continue the utilization of our website platform. When costs are not renewed, our journalism site cannot deliver the dynamic and engaging content you see each day.
I am proud to announce that this goal was met, and student journalism at Green Hope will continue due to your generous donations. It is my honor to say that continues without the use of district or school funds.
Why is this important?
Student journalism is paramount to the community for which it serves. It is a true honor to work with the staff each day (and often in the evenings) to see leaders step up, writers engage in creative concepts and see the pride the students possess. As mentioned many times, the GH Falcon is a highly respected and award-winning program; however, all of the accolades mean little if young people are not consumed with pride in their accomplishments.
There are a few aspects of the program that I would like to take this time to emphasize. I am proud to say that our journalists bring you coverage of news that is fair, unbiased and never slanted. You will not read an article that does not accurately reflect all sides of the story. Our editorials are well-researched and contain clear arguments while also engaging in counterarguments. Our sports reporting is driven with pride in Green Hope athletics no matter the outcome of the event. Our creative content comes with specific goals and never for simple “fun”. Our podcasts are based on specific topics that allow for nuanced discussions. We feature clubs, student successes and events without promotion or calls to action. We highlight diversity in the school, as well as in the community, with engaging out-of-the-box writing.
Each and every member of the staff plays a vital role in what you view each day. From the daily Wordle to our nationally award-winning articles, all Green Hope journalists have purpose and drive. They do all of this for you.
I want to end by emphasizing the importance of “we” and not “me”. My role is as the executive of the program. I do not write the articles. I have never created a quiz. I have taken only one photo. It is with great pride and humility that these facts can be stated. It is my honor and privilege to work with these journalists, and everything that you see is student-produced.
We are grateful for your support. You, our readers, drive us and inspire us. Never stop believing in and supporting a high standard of journalism.