Winter Orchestra concert: Starting the holiday season on a high note

Orchestra students start off the night strong with colorful visuals and incredible sound.
December 10, 2022
Visually stunning in lighting, paired with cohesive music and sound, Green Hope High School’s Winter Orchestra Concert left its audience feeling hopeful for the holidays ahead. Commencing with a Christmas mash up, featuring famously known songs for its holiday theme. The winter concert included Green Hope’s orchestra, chorus, band, and the school’s theater production as the technology team behind the scenes.
Anticipating pieces like Home Alone, and songs from The Nutcracker, the audience was just as excited as the students playing. “Everyone a part of the orchestra played tremendously along with the wind ensemble. Playing the familiar tunes of Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and Jingle Bell Rock together made for a fantastic opening number,” said Joyce Cho ‘24, one of the viola players in North Carolina’s Honor Orchestra.
Starting preparations as early as October, students of the Orchestra class culminated all their creativity, passion, and hours of practice for this concert. From getting to choose the pieces presented, to decorating the auditorium with handmade snowflakes and a winter themed balloon arch, everyone was working to make this night special.

“We have put in the most work for this concert out of any orchestra concert I have been in since I joined,” stated Henry Younkin ‘24, the vice president of the orchestra. “Having people in charge of designs, theater with lights, advertising and social media, I feel like we have really got that going in the last few months,” he continued.
Organizing a large part of the concert’s program, all the students were invested and thrilled. Rehearsals for the concert took place during the students’ class time, including practice with chorus and band during lunch. In addition to their rehearsals, students practiced outside of school, leaving many feeling prepared for the night of the concert.
Focusing on creating an event like none they’ve done before, Mrs. Lewis, the orchestra teacher and director of the Winter Orchestra Concert, stated that, “It’s about the holiday spirit, community and just enjoying music.” She emphasized that getting everybody involved through storytelling, in the form of music was what all the students focused on.
Getting to play a full concert with recognizable, modern tunes, including chorus and band, made Younkin, and Cho, and the rest of the musicians feel like Mrs. Lewis’ goal was accomplished. “It’s a blast to have a full orchestra instead of just strings. It definitely makes it sound more full,” said Younkin. Through the efforts of all three musical components combined, the music produced by them became a true symphony.
Grateful for the experience, both Cho and Younkin, among the large body of students that were involved in this concert, expressed enjoying getting to have this experience. A time in which they got to bond and grow as musicians alongside their classmates, including their beginning orchestra.
“It’s very rewarding, not only for my beginners to see their growth, but for my advanced students to see them involved in how much they have grown in teaching. It’s been amazing to see a bigger community.” – Mrs. Lewis”
A fulfilling experience worth spending, one that was only possible because of all the preparation put forth throughout. The night ended with lots of joy, as the band, chorus and orchestra finished off together on their last song. An experience that the students and the community will never forget.