Breakfast With a Buddy fosters school community
@ghhsambassadors via Instagram
The Student Ambassadors gather in preparation for the first week of school.
October 14, 2022
On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday morning, a crowd gathered in Green Hope High School’s commons. Students stood behind tables that had been set up with food, offering both a quick breakfast and answers to questions about a variety of school clubs. People trickling in through the school doors were quickly drawn to the tables by the energy and friendliness of the students. This pleasant morning surprise was created by the Student Ambassadors.
Student Ambassadors is a group that brings students together and assists them in becoming more involved with the Green Hope Community. Mainly, the Ambassadors provide tours for new students, arrange freshman orientation, and organize different events that connect students with their peers. “We are definitely the social liaisons of the community,” said Emma Despa (‘23), the president of Student Ambassadors.
Members of the group find Student Ambassadors a perfect way to serve their community. “I joined Student Ambassadors mainly as a way to support my community through volunteering,” said Nabiha Rahman (‘25), one of the organization’s newest members.

Most recently, the Student Ambassadors hosted Breakfast with a Buddy in the Green Hope commons. Ambassadors, athletes, fine arts students, and others chatted with curious passersby from behind food-laden tables. The event served as an opportunity for students to relate to each other over a small breakfast.
Breakfast with a Buddy ended up being a success in connecting students. Students were able to talk with people they may never have spoken with otherwise.
“From my side of the table, I could see it really helped bring everybody together. It was interesting to see the way a student athlete interacted with a complete stranger versus the way somebody in orchestra did,” said Despa.
After the success of the first Breakfast with a Buddy, the Ambassadors plan to schedule the event again along with an assortment of other activities.
While being a part of Student Ambassadors demands commitment, the work is rewarding. Rahman said, “My favorite part is the community and the friends that I was able to make through it.”
Despa echoed this, saying, “As a member, my favorite part was giving the tours, because you’re the first person a student new to Green Hope sees,” she said.
The Student Ambassadors play a vital role in the school, and continue to foster a friendly community at Green Hope.