End of Quarter Organization

Planning your tasks ahead of time can set you up for success.
March 22, 2022
With quarter 3 coming to an end, students are rushing to turn in assignments and raise their grades last minute. While this is a very common practice and something many students do, here are some insightful strategies to use throughout the year. These tactics can help you stay on top of work and end each semester on a good note.
Prioritize organization:
Having a clean and organized study space can significantly increase productivity and motivation to do assignments. Doing work in the comfort of your bed sounds nice, but not much will get done. Make your work area inviting by cleaning your workspace, adding plants, or a candle.
Buy a planner/agenda:
Writing out assignments and their due dates can help prioritize mandatory work and get them turned in on time. By using a planner you can keep track of all the work you have to complete so nothing gets lost in the shuffle. Implementing this habit in your daily routine can encourage you to finish any missing assignments.
Keep track of and turn in missing assignments:
As hard as it can be, turn in those missing assignments. Even if they don’t significantly raise your grade, you can still bring it up to an A or B. Find a time and place where there are minimal distractions, such as an office room or library and take breaks as you go. Make sure to check with your teacher if you’re uncertain of their late work policy.
Attend SMART lunch tutorials:
Some students may not utilize tutorials, but attending them can have a positive impact on your grades. Teachers are able to possibly give you one-on-one attention and answer any questions you have. With some teachers offering extra credit by attending 4 or more SMART lunch tutorials, this can also bump your grades up.
Set realistic goals for yourself:
In a competitive environment, it’s very easy to get caught up in other people’s goals and achievements and compare them to yourself. But it’s important to remember that everyone is on their own path and doing their own thing. Setting goals for yourself will give you a long-term vision along with some motivation to get work done.