The Environmental Club at Green Hope, a club dedicated to bettering the earth, is an important aspect towards maintaining sustainable practices within the school. Its members meet every week to collect the recycling of teachers, as well as complete other environmentally-based volunteering activities. The GH Falcon recently sat down with the club’s president, Miloni Tyagi, to better examine the club’s activities and membership.
At its core, the Environmental Club is for students who are looking to make a positive impact on the Earth and its atmosphere. To do this, its members are responsible for collecting and emptying the recycling bins of all classrooms around the school every Thursday. They also participate in other volunteering events, including those held at NC Science Museums and Bugfest. “The club’s mission is basically to better our impact on the environment,” shared Tyagi. The club works tirelessly to work against the negative impacts humans have on the Earth. “Humans in general haven’t exactly been very good [in terms of] their impact on the environment with [things] like carbon pollution, throwing their trash outside, and littering. Just by recycling and [participating in] other environmental events, we hope to lessen our negative impact on the world.”
As president, Tyagi has an important role in continuing the efforts of the club. She is responsible for delivering important messages to members, including new and old, as well as helping plan and execute the festivities of Earth Week in April. The club currently has four officers with a varying level of membership. “It’s mainly APES students, so a lot of times before finals or before the quarter ends, a lot of people show up just to get [service] their hours in,” Tyagi said. Other times it’s not as many members, but the club has roughly 30 members at any given meeting. To join, people can just show up to a meeting and record their hours.
Being president has allowed Tyagi to experience many of the club’s different events, allowing her to pick a favorite. Alongside collecting recycling weekly, she also enjoys planning Earth Week activities for members of the club. “We have events where we do cricket eating, and a lot of people are really interested in that,” she shared when highlighting Earth Week’s many activities. “We also have other stuff, like some fun games, like ring toss, so I think that’s my favorite part.”
Environmental Club is one of many at Green Hope that works to better our Earth and the life that depends on it. They are a crucial part of sustainability for Falcons, and their efforts do not go unnoticed.