Famine, disease and poverty are all increasing effects of the strain placed on natural resources – as well as discrepancies in income – experienced by millions of people around the world. By 2037, the world population is set to reach 9 billion according to Worldometer – an independent research organization – accounting for the fertility declines in certain countries.
India, the most populated country in the world, went from an average of 3.4 children per woman in the 90s down to 2 by the end of the 2010s, reported the Lowy Institute. The phenomenon the country experienced is known as population momentum, when a population grows or declines depending on what age group holds the majority. Regardless, the population in India is continuing to grow and for every square kilometer, there will be around 431 people compared to the United States average of 38 people per square kilometer squared.
China, the second most populous country, is experiencing a steady birth rate decline that experts described as a ”demographic crisis”, the rapid decline in a population or significant shift in the structure of a population. From 1965 to 1990 Many East Asian tiger economies passed development policies to stabilize their economies that boosted economic growth. China hasn’t seen such a rapid decline since their famine from 1958 to 1962, when they lost an estimated 30 million citizens. 2022 marked the first year for China where citizen deaths outpaced birth rates causing the population to fall by 850,00 in 2023.
The United States, the third most populated country, the birth rate fell almost 19% from 2007 to 2022. The cause for a decline is because of an unstable economy, according to Northwell Health. During World War II similar circumstances were encountered, and later saw the period known as the “Baby Boom,” suggesting a stable economy promotes child births.
Despite the decrease in birth rates in recent decades, the overall world population is continuing to grow as the number of women in the childbearing years increase even though births per woman has declined. More people surviving to the reproductive age, slow increase of a person’s life span and rapid urbanization are top factors that contribute to population growth.
Accounting for the amount of resources present on Earth, it can only support an estimated 10 billion people and once that number is reached the population will slowly decline. The Worldometer also estimates that the world is set to reach 10 billion by 2061 and shift toward a negative growth rate by 2085. By 2100, the global population rate is expected to be -0.12%, trending toward a loss of -12,00,00 people from the previous year.
When the Earth’s carrying capacity limit is reached natural resources will begin to run dry, leaving room for negative population growth due to congested societies. Overpopulation can act as an accelerant for disease springing up epidemics across the world, according to the National Institute of Health. Overpopulation will cause humans to invade habitats with mamilia that contract infectious disease that are likely fatal, and there are an estimated 1.67 million undiscovered viral species.
This burgeoning issue paves the way for disease and sickness causing societies to become congested. The Earth’s resources can sustain a limited amount of people, as well as other species that inhibit it – once that limit is reached, either further innovation is needed to maximize current capital or the population will continue to decline. As of now, it seems like the Earth’s population will continue to increase.