From paper snowflakes to popsicle Stars of David there are many different holiday crafts. This season, family and friends gather together and one great way to enjoy each other’s company is through making crafts. Listed down below are easy to make crafts that require little money and material, which makes them perfect for the holidays!
Christmas crafts
A popular technique of making crafts includes using hands similar to one of the most popular Thanksgiving crafts, the hand turkey, making a handprint painted Christmas tree is a great personalized craft. It is also an awesome craft if any younger family members are present as it is a great keepsake for when they were younger.
If any paper is lying around the house a great and festive craft is paper snowflakes. Through folding either a blue or white sheet of paper and then using scissors it can make a wide variety of different kinds of snowflakes a really easy way to fill up space.
Ornaments come in all shapes and sizes and they can vary from a professional ornament that you buy to fun homemade and more personal ornaments. Utilizing beads and pipe cleaners to create a candy cane that hangs from the tree to painting an orb that you can buy at a store are all crafts that can be hung from the tree.
Hanukkah Crafts
A dreidel is a four sided spinning top that is played during Hanukkah. Depending on what side it lands on, it determines what the player must do, including: the player getting nothing, the player winning the entire pot, the player getting half of the pot and the player putting one of their pieces in the pot. It is often played with a reward that is given depending on the outcome of the top. An easy way to make a homemade dreidel involves printing a pamphlet that can be found online, using a pencil to spin and a glue stick to hold it all together.

A menorah is a nine branched candelabrum that is lit on every night of Hanukkah; the light symbolizes the eight nights of the holiday. There are a multitude of ways to make a menorah decoration by yourself. It needs at least eight candle holders and a place to hold the main candle that is used to light all of the other candles. In the middle, there is a main candle that must stick out and be somehow different from the others.
The Star of David is a symbol of both Jewish identity and of Judaism. Making a popsicle Star of David involves using popsicles, hot glue and paint. Make sure that the popsicles are painted blue and then start making a triangle with the popsicle sticks and glue them together.
Making holiday crafts is a great way to spend time with the family and can be used as decorations. These crafts are a cost effective gift and a great memento! Decorations during the holiday come in a wide range of shapes and sizes making them great for the holiday atmosphere.