Student council presidents, the voices in charge of student-body beliefs, are crucial for invoking change and representing the wishes of those they represent within Green Hope. The four student council grade presidents as well as the student body president are voted on and elected at the end of each school year before their term begins the following August. This year, Green Hope students are represented by five extraordinary student council presidents: the student body president, Gabrielle Brown, the senior class president, Parva Vyas, the junior class president, Ella Chase, the sophomore class president, Mansib Sacheha and finally the freshman class president, Janhawi Patil. Below are profiles highlighting their journeys throughout their leadership positions.
Gabby Brown: Student Body President

As student body president, Gabrielle Brown is responsible for voicing the wishes and requests of every student on Green Hope’s roster. “I’d say a lot of my job is just being another set of ears and like eyes,” Brown shared. “Executive is the highest that it goes, so whatever the grades plan has to go through executive first. I wouldn’t say that my role is much larger than other people in executive’s roles. We all work together, the four of us, to work with the grades, and then we work a lot with Mr. D to get things pushed to admin and then just make sure things are going the way they’re supposed to.”
As a third-year member of the student council, Brown has helped carry out the behind-the-scenes aspects of some of Green Hope’s most memorable events. Despite just finishing the first quarter of the school year, her efforts in student council have been significant. “A lot of the first months we focused on homecoming because it was within the first couple weeks of the school year,” Brown said. “It’s really only November, but we’ll probably start with Christmas Spirit Week and stuff like that soon, and then we have some special things that the grades are planning coming up too.” Her time on student council has provided her with many incredible opportunities and experiences that she otherwise would not have received. “[Student council] gives me lots of different perspectives. I talk with freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, and it’s just good to hear all of their opinions,” she explained. “I talk to Miss Cleveland a lot and administration for approval with proposals, so getting to hear the admin’s perspective is really cool too.”
Taking on a major leadership role has given Brown the ability to impact her peers and create goals for the school. “I would say my biggest goal is to have more events with students other than the homecoming and prom dances. Last year, we did volleybros. I think a lot of people participated in that, and that was really fun,” Brown explained. “I think more student input, a lot of decisions are made with just counsel input, but I feel like we need to hear more from outside of just the 30 of us, so I think just having a better connection with the students and then answering their needs the best that we can.”
Senior Class: Parva Vyas

Another essential, Parva Vyas plays a key role in ensuring that the class of 2025’s voices are represented throughout the school. “My goals as a senior class president include promoting school spirit by organizing events with my council and maintaining communication between faculty and administration and students,” he shared. “As class president, I am responsible for maintaining effective communication between our council and the administration. I must seek the advice and counsel of class sponsors and communicate with the student body president about events and other things our council notices in the school. Additionally, my council also coordinates with the Parent Teacher Student Association about senior-specific subjects.”
Despite it being his first year on student council, Vyas has had a significant impact on the school and its events. “In our tenure so far, my council has organized Senior Sunrise and homecoming,” he shared. “Because the number of events we are allowed to organize is limited, I plan to hear from the student body about what they want and try to get such an event approved.” Despite it still being early in the school year, Vyas has already discovered the joys that come with being a member of student council. Vyas said, “My favorite part of being class president is the responsibility. I enjoy taking up the responsibility to organize events and make senior year as fun as possible.”
Junior Class President: Ella Chase

Another new addition to the student council, Ella Chase recently began her first year by fulfilling the role of junior class president. Despite her recent start, Chase has taken a quick understanding of the responsibilities that come with the significant leadership position. “Throughout the year, I have to overlook the junior class in different events that we run. I have to make sure that everyone’s getting along within student counsel and that we’re carrying out events properly,” Chase shared. Her experiences so far have also given her an insight to the benefits of being on student council, encouraging her decision to run for either student body president or senior class president next year. “My favorite part is getting to know new students and learning new people and teachers,” she said.
Although her time on student council has been relatively short, Chase’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. Her role in planning the events most cherished by Green Hope students has been significant, creating a happy student body and a satisfied student council. “So far, we’ve planned and carried out homecoming, we’ve gotten together a cultural night and we’re working on planning out for the coming months, and gotten together a Halloween event for the school,” Chase recalled. Her personal goals as president have been influential in her decision-making, ultimately leading to successful events. “My goals as class president are to bring Green Hope together as a whole, make sure that students get to know one another, and have entertaining events for students to participate in,” Chase explained.
Sophomore Class President: Mansib Sacheha

One of student council’s more familiar faces, Mansib Sacheha is key in ensuring that the voices of Green Hopes sophomores are heard and represented throughout the school’s policies. His daily responsibilities are significant, leading to a satisfied class of 2027. “My roles and responsibilities as sophomore present are to manage the council for sophomores and provide events and academic resources for specifically my class,” he explained.
With this being his fifth ongoing year of student council, a member since the 6th grade, Sacheha is well-versed in the benefits it provides. “My favorite part of being class president is having that tight-knit community that I can work with,” he said. “I have a blast just working with them every day, working on events, talking to admin, trying to find academic resources for my student body, and some of my closest friends are in student council.” His multitude of years holding leadership positions has allowed him many opportunities to make changes within the schools he attends and serves, specifically Green Hope. “Last year as freshman president, I was able to plan a bunch of events such as the talent show and a lot of the card-giving events like Valentine’s and Thanksgiving that were held in the commons. I also implemented a feedback system for the class of 2027, where they can send in forms. We look at the responses and then we go over what feedback they had. For this year, I plan on implementing more events, not just for my class, but the entire school,” Sacheha said.
Similarly to his student council counterparts, Sacheha’s personal goals are reflected in his leadership actions. “My goal as class president is to create events for my class of 2027 that are genuine and have a source of attraction,” he explains. “I don’t like the events that are just forced upon my class. I want to make events that my student body actually wants to attend.”
Freshman Class President: Janhawi Patil
Green Hope’s youngest student council president, Janhawi Patil (‘28) remains a critical aspect of representation for the freshman class. Despite being her first year in student council, Patil has quickly understood and fulfilled the responsibilities required of her leadership position. “As president, I have to manage everyone in student council and in my council, the Freshman council,” she explained. “I make sure everyone’s doing what they’re supposed to do and making sure everyone is heard as well.”
Similarly to her student council peers, Patil’s personal goals align with the schools intent for inclusivity and diversity. “I want to make Green Hope somewhere where everyone is comfortable to go to school and make sure it’s an inclusive environment so no one’s scared or wants to skip school because they don’t feel comfortable or safe,” Patil stated. To achieve these goals, she has many actions she plans to take. “We’re definitely gonna think about ways we can incorporate school spirit into games and events for different classes and basically just make sure people have fun,” she said.
Additionally, Patil’s time so far has enlightened her about the benefits of being a member. “I really like that I give a voice to the students because I know a lot of people wanna change stuff about the school, and that doesn’t happen a lot of the time, so I really like being there so they have someone who can listen and actually put their ideas into place,” she explained.
Student council is an influential part of Green Hope, allowing students to feel heard and represented within the school’s policies. The five talented and hardworking presidents of Green Hope are key features of inclusivity, and their work in creating a cohesive and successful learning environment do not go unnoticed.