The Career And College Promise Program: A Different Pathway to Success
CCP Brings Dual-Enrollment Option to the Green Hope Student Population
Photo by Pang Yuhao on Unsplash
Read more about CCP: the Career and College Promise program through Wake Tech.
March 4, 2022
March 1st marked the first day of course registration at Green Hope, and with only two weeks to make class decisions for the upcoming school year, many Green Hope students have begun to research new academic opportunities beyond the standard high-school classroom.
Mr. Matthew Katsuleris, the Career Development Coordinator at Green Hope as of August 2021, has been working to provide various opportunities to Green Hope students of all backgrounds, ages, and interests. However, the Career and College Promise program through Wake Tech has been one of the most highly-considered options for dozens of students.
What is the Career and College Promise program at Wake Tech?
Dual-enrollment provides high school students with the opportunity to take college classes, whether that be in the Summer or during the school year, while still being enrolled as a student at their school.
“The CCP program enables students to take classes at both Green Hope as well as Wake Tech, and it gives students the chance to make progress toward either a college, degree, certificate, or some other form of credit. It also allows students to ease their transition from high school into doing what they are passionate about in the future,” stated Mr. Katsuleris in an interview with the Green Hope Falcon.
As a staff member who participated in dual-enrollment during his high school experience, Mr. Katsuleris noted, “I’m doing what I’m doing right now because I know the benefit of taking college classes in high school. It gives students the flexibility to have various course options based on their individual needs.
“The opportunity exists, and students deserve to know all of their options when deciding on what plan is best for them, whether that be AP classes at Green Hope or college classes through Wake Tech’s CCP program.” – Mr. Katsuleris
How do I know if CCP is for me?
While finalizing your schedule for the upcoming school year can be stressful with the multitude of options available, it is necessary to do what fits your needs, works with your schedule, and ultimately intrigues you as a student.
In another interview with the Green Hope Falcon, Seniors Reem Fayyad and Ghita Najeh provided their insight on the program and how it has ultimately impacted their academia.
Ghita emphasized that, “If you are not doing dual enrollment solely for enrichment and plan to transfer credits over to college, make sure to verify that the specific college you’re interested in accepts transfer credits! Some of them don’t and it would be really annoying if you worked hard in a course but wouldn’t be able to transfer your credits.”
However, these college classes not only impact high school GPA, but they also play a role in college GPA as well.
“I think that CCP is definitely manageable, and it allows students to get a feel of how college classes are actually going to be with a professor since the experience is different from a high school classroom. But, at the same time, it’s important not to overload yourself because you don’t want to mess up your college GPA in the future,” stated Reem.
Should I take AP classes or stick to dual-enrollment?
Registering for dual-enrollment classes at Wake Tech doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t also take AP classes or prefer one option over the other. Green Hope students are not only allowed to take AP classes, but they also have the option to sign up for online classes through CCP or take in-person classes at Wake Tech during a non-reporting period. Nevertheless, it is crucial to know what you can manage and be the most successful in while still aligning with your goals for the future.
“They’re both great resources [AP and CCP classes] and have their advantages along with their disadvantages. But, the most important thing to determine is how you can utilize both options to maximize your time here as a student at Green Hope,” stressed Mr. Katsuleris.
How can I learn more about the CCP program?
Mr. Katsuleris will be hosting an information session about the Wake Tech program on Thursday, March 10th during the 1st half of lunch in the auditorium.
To learn more about the program, students can also visit Wake Tech’s CCP page at: Enrollment for new students in addition to re-enrollment for current students has opened, and the Summer/Fall schedule becomes available on Wednesday, April 6th. Students will be able to view the upcoming course offerings in addition to the class descriptions, scheduling, and much more. Self-registration opens on April 15th, 2022.
For all other inquiries regarding CCP, students can contact Mr. Katsuleris via email at [email protected] or by scheduling an appointment with him through the Career Development website linked here: