Green Hope High School’s varsity volleyball team continues to kick off their undefeated season, highlighted by a record of 11-0 after a recent win over Panther Creek in the fight for 55. The team is currently ranked first in the Southwest Wake 4A Conference and fourth in NC per the latest HighSchoolOT rankings. Expectations for the coming season are high after a successful 2023-24 season, ending with a loss in the semi-finals to Middle Creek.
Coach Karl Redelfs has coached at Green Hope for 14 years, winning four straight state championships in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The GH Falcon recently sat down with him to get an overview of this year’s varsity team to get a better understanding of the progress that has been made so far. Redelfs shared his thoughts on the season to this point stating, “As you know, we did lose Belle Patrick who was a huge impact to all of our games from last year, and she’s doing great in college, but we also have some juniors who are filling some big shoes when it comes to attacking. We have a freshman who’s taking charge of the team, and then some seniors who have stepped up in positions that while it’s not their favorite, they are still doing well at.”
As Coach Redelfs highlighted, freshman Chloe Burbage (‘28) is a setter who is a valuable asset to the team’s ongoing success. This young athlete has been playing volleyball for nine years. Her inspiration to play volleyball came from watching her older sister play. Even while new to the team, Burbage has huge aspirations and goals for hopeful accomplishments, “I hope to see [the team’s] connections grow a lot and I hope that we make it to playoffs.”
In addition to new members, returning players continue to make an impact on the team’s accomplishments. Clara Maroney (‘25), a senior middle position player, highlighted the team captains Evelyn (Evie) Carlson (‘26) and Taylor Bruce (‘26), “Taylor Bruce has been doing very well, and Evie Carlson as she has also been doing very well, making a lot of good hits.”

Players and goals for the season are one thing, but the team itself is another. As a member of the Green Hope volleyball program for the entirety of her high school career, Maroney shares what her involvement has been like, “My experience has been positive, anytime anybody makes a mistake it’s never the end of the world. We always encourage each other to get back up and I have a lot of fun. I’m friends with all my teammates.”
With the season halfway done, Coach Redelfs shared one of his main points of emphasis. “I am pretty big on just focusing on every single play, I try to make sure that we are running as efficiently as possible and most of the team knows, anything but the net, so please please pretty please do not serve into the net.”
Green Hope’s varsity team is guaranteed a minimum of 10 more matches this season, with the next being home against Green Level. Excitement levels are rising as game day approaches, with Burbage sharing, “I’m most excited for Green Level because they’re our arch-rivals, so hopefully we can pull out a win against them.” With Green Hope being ranked one place higher than Green Level, it should be a competitive game.