From Frozen yogurt, frozen custard and ice cream, destinations for cold sweet treats on a summer day are provided all throughout Cary. These places provide quick service take out or a place to sit and eat. This gives one the opportunity to sit with your friends to enjoy the hot day or be able to make your job shift whilst running late to soothe your cold craving. Each one of these places give many different flavor options, toppings, seating and prices to suit the refreshment you want. Take a look to see some yummy places to go in the summer:
Cold sweet treats for the summer
May 29, 2024
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About the Contributors

Annabella Monge, Staff Writer
Annie Monge is a senior at Green Hope and this is her second year writing for the GH Falcon. She has always had a passion for writing which is why she had an attraction to this class. Annie plans on coming back to the staff next year. Another major part of Annie’s identity is swimming. She started swimming at 10 years old and swims for the Green Hope swim team, as well as swimming year-round outside of school. Annie also works as a lifeguard outside of school. Annie loves traveling and has lived in four continents, she wants travel to be a part of her future while pursuing a job in international business.

Isabel Westerlund, Social Media Editor
Isabel Westerlund is a senior at Green Hope, and this is her second year on the staff of the GH Falcon. She has a passion for social media and enjoys interviewing and interacting with her fellow classmates. She loves being with friends, playing soccer, and creating fun videos and posts for the whole school to enjoy. Isabel also enjoys travelling and spent her summer in Norway, Washington DC, and Florida. She can’t wait to see what this year will bring for and all of its socials.