Weird food combinations, such as vanilla ice cream and olive oil, have recently been attracting attention on social media. Are these food combinations worth the risk or absolutely disgusting? GH staff writers Annie Monge and Jason Huang tasted six trending food combinations and provided their thoughts:

Dorito and chocolate chips:
Annie- “ I did not like this combo at all. The good thing is, I did like the chocolate chips and both the Dorito and chocolate chips were dry therefore the textures didn’t make the combination worse. What made it bad was that the Doritos were flavored with cheese, and cheese and chocolate… not good at all, so I do not recommend this combo. It also leaves a horrible after taste in the mouth.” 2/10
Jason- “This combination is awful. I would not recommend. First off, the chip and the chocolate chips were both chunky and had a whole lot of crunch on the bite which hurt my teeth. The Dorito was powdery and cheesy, while the chocolate chip was sweet with a lot of kick. The taste was bad and the after taste was much worse, I recommend that you try this combination to have a gallon of water next to you.” 1/10
Vanilla ice cream and olive oil:
Annie- “Honestly, this combination surprised me. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t eat my ice cream with olive oil, but I don’t feel like it is bad together. The consistency of the olive oil goes well with the ice cream once it is thawed out a little and melting. Olive oil doesn’t really have that big of a taste and it’s kind of a light substance. I thought this combo was okay, nothing special.” 5/10
Jason- “Seeing this combination on Tik Tok made me want to try to flavor even more. At first I was hesitant, but then I took my first bite. The flavors crash into each other like two exes who hate each other. Olive oil has a strong taste that is quite savory, while the creamy ice cream just doesn’t pair well. Olive oil texture was slick and oily, which did not blend well with ice cream. Overall I just wouldn’t recommend this to any regular taste bud individuals.” 3/10
Peanut butter and pickle sandwich:
Annie- “I already hated pickles when I tried this combination, but I did like peanut butter… Once this sandwich came into my mouth it was disgusting. The juice from the pickle did not go well with the stickiness of the peanut butter and the saltiness of the pickles brought no justice to the sandwich. Complete waste of peanut butter.” 1/10
Jason- “This combination seemed quite unusual to me, so at first I questioned trying to combine the two. The creaminess of the peanut butter seemed to work well with the crunchiness of the pickle sandwich, creating a delicious bite. I think the reason why I enjoyed this combination so much was because the peanut butter makes the pickle acidity taste much better. This resulted in an unusually delicious combination. I would recommend it if you are feeling adventurous and want to try something new.” 8/10

Pineapple and pizza:
Annie- “I love pineapple on pizza…Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits, but you wouldn’t think it would be good with ham, cheese and a crust of dough. I always get pineapple pizza when I go to a pizza place unless I get just cheese. The sweetness of the pineapple with the ham is so good, it’s like bacon and maple syrup, it’s just so good!” 10/10
Jason- “ Pineapple and pizza was a weird combination for me. The sweetness and saltiness didn’t go well with each other, and the pineapple was cold while the pizza was hot. Pineapple has a strong sweet flavor and I believe that pineapple should be left out of pizza.” 6/10
Milkshake and fries:
Annie- “I love french fries in a milkshake. Salty and sweet, the best combo in itself! Milkshakes are my favorite drink (besides chocolate milk) and mixing that with something as deliciously addicting as fries, what can be better? I never had it until two years ago when I moved to the U.S. but it’s now a new favorite, especially when I go to Chick-Fil-A.” 10/10
Jason- “As a young kid I always loved this combination, the milkshake and the fries complement each other very well. The savory saltiness of the fries balances well with the sweet and creamy milkshake, creating a great taste. This combination is a must try, and would be an enjoyable pair for everyone.”10/10
Chicken cheese quesadilla and bananas:
Annie- “I have a simple diet and this combination was too much going on for me. I like banana and nutella sandwiches, but this was something quite different. Chicken and cheese quesadilla I love by itself. The bananas not only complicated it with flavors, but it also added this mushy consistency that wasn’t adding anything good to the quesadilla. It’s a waste of a quesadilla.” 2/10
Jason- “I enjoy eating this combination at Tropical Smoothie Cafe, I think it is very delicious. The reason why I say this is because the melted cheese and chicken on the tortilla taste absolutely amazing, and balancing out a savory meal with something healthy like a banana makes the quesadilla taste even better for some reason.” 8.5/10