Hello Falcons! As the weather gets colder, sicknesses run rampant around school and the community. As flu season goes on, I’ve got advice to help keep viruses at bay and everyone healthy!
How do I maintain my health?

Keeping good health can be difficult, but there are a lot of things you can do to ensure you don’t get sick. By maintaining a good diet full of fruits and vegetables, which are filled with vitamins and other nutrients, you can strengthen your immune system. Even something as simple as getting a good night’s sleep can make a big difference in your health. While I know that many of you are flooded with homework and extracurricular activities, getting enough sleep can decrease your stress levels (stress weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness) and increase the amount of antibodies in your immune system. Sleep is also linked to better cardiovascular health. Similar to sleep, exercising also plays a major role in maintaining good health. Exercise releases stress hormones and promotes cellular activity in your body, which can help prevent sickness. Finally, getting flu shots and vaccinations are highly recommended methods to prevent you from getting sick. When getting a vaccination, your body creates antibodies, which fights off sicknesses.

How do I recover quickly from my sickness?
Prevention and maintaining good health is important, but in the case that you do get sick, I have some tips! There are many ways you can recover quickly. Most obviously, taking the needed medications and seeing the doctor are imperative. A doctor can directly diagnose you and give you the proper directions, medications and care needed to have a speedy recovery. Additionally, taking a proper break is important. By staying at home and resting, you are not only optimizing your immune system and reducing stressors on your body, but you are also preventing the spread of your illness. Making sure you’re getting adequate hydration and food also expedites recovery. When sick, your body becomes dehydrated because the sweat, mucus and other excretions can deplete you of the fluids and electrolytes that are important to recovery. By drinking a lot of water, much of what your body needs when it’s sick is replenished. Eating healthy foods when sick also gives your body the necessary nutrients to sustain a recovery!
How do I keep others safe?

Keeping others safe around you is very important because it prevents the spread of an illness. In schools and other places with many people, illnesses travel faster and more people end up sick. Many are hesitant about missing school because they “can’t miss a class” or “have too much work to do,” but staying home is essential if you aren’t feeling well. Not going to school prevents others from getting sick and also gives you time for a full recovery. If you do come to school, wearing a mask is always a good idea. Masking up protects people around you from your sickness. Washing your hands, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, cleaning surfaces and avoiding sharing food or drinks also help prevent the spread of pathogens.
As these times are plagued by sickness, it’s important to stay healthy and keep others healthy. Whether it’s academics, friendships or relationships, Felicity Falcon has you covered! If you would like to request an advice column feel free to drop us questions in the Letter to the Editor google form under the “About” section. Tune in next time for more tips – Felicity Falcon out!