Over the summer, many Green Hope students planned and created new clubs for the 2023-24 school year. After some consideration from Green Hope assistant principal Mr. Daniel Hall, 20 clubs were approved. The GH Falcon shines a spotlight on eight of these new clubs.

Cinematography and Photography Club
Cinematography and Photography Club aims to teach its members the filmmaking process and inspire them to have a future career in the field. Members will be taught the skills needed to take photos and use tools such as lighting, camera techniques and editing to enhance their projects. Vihan Singh (‘25) is the president of the club. He hopes the club will expand further in the future. “A bigger group means more diverse ideas and a livelier atmosphere,” Singh said. He hopes the club will be able to “host competitions to challenge and inspire creativity and organize activities like workshops where members can learn essential skills.”
Future STEM Leaders
Future STEM Leaders hopes to provide a fun experience for members to increase their passion in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Sarah El-Shafei (‘25), the president of Future STEM Leaders, wants members to gain STEM leadership and tutoring skills. She also plans to use guest speakers to motivate members into having a career in the field. “I hope that through our team bonding activities we can bridge communication, creativity and overall just a fun environment for members,” El-Shafei said.

The Falcon Flyers
The Falcon Flyers teaches students how to operate commercial drones through both hands-on flying and through instructional videos from its established curriculum. Brendan Swanson (‘24) is one of the co-presidents of the club. The club’s goal is to get all its members “certified with a commercial drone license that would allow them to take photos that they would be able to profit off of such as photos and videos from advertising campaigns and use this really unique skill to make a profit for themselves.” With the established curriculum and the licenses he wants to acquire, Swanson hopes that “Wake County notices us and approves the drone class.”
Odyssey of the Mind
Odyssey of the Mind is a club where members participate in a competition using their problem-solving skills, creativity and acting skills to solve fabricated scenarios. Co-President, Ansea Dalmet (‘26) said that Odyssey of the Mind is about “working together as a team and building up on everyone’s ideas to finally present a creative and engaging solution.” Ansea expects to gain many new club members this year and also wants to compete against other school teams. She wants to increase the size of the club to expand the diversity of its combined knowledge.

Investing Club
Investing Club focuses on aiding students in learning financial literacy and stock preparation. With the use of guest speakers and resources, club president Jai Saxena (‘24) attempts to help members further their skills in the field. Saxena explained that once members are ready, they participate in competitions within the club before then participating in larger national and international competitions. “Currently we have three groups of five members doing a very large competition and they can use the resources that we teach them to do well,” Saxena said. As members continue improving their investing skills, the club plans to continue participating in large competitions.
AITech Club
AITech club is centered on how artificial intelligence (AI) works and ways to integrate it into society. Club president Nikhil Ranganathan (‘25) explained that “AITech’s goal is that we have two projects, one is to make an interactive model for special ed students, and the second one is to make a chat bot that helps student[s] administer their admission process.” Nikhil also wants to prevent AI from being used maliciously. “Seeing ways it [AI] was used for malicious purposes, I want to make it used for the school environment properly,” he said.

Learn to Be
Learn to Be is a club that focuses on helping people in financial problems gain an equal education opportunity. Their club members will be trained to be tutors. After they have completed their training, members will be sent to tutor a child in need. President Bianca Salve (’25) “hopes for it [the club] to grow a lot more and have a lot more students actively participating so that [Learn to Be] can bring its initiatives to Green Hope.”
Entrepreneurship club
The Entrepreneurship club is a club that teaches young entrepreneurs the tips and tricks to becoming successful. Club members will come together to discuss strategies and ideas that will help aspiring entrepreneurs grow and reach new heights. Club vice president Ishan Narway (‘27) explained that the goal of the “club is to help young high schoolers with a passion in entrepreneurship expand their knowledge of entrepreneurship with competitions, projects and general involvement with people who have the same interest.”