From supporting students with affording college, collecting data, prohibiting discrimination and making recommendations for education reform, the Department of Education (ED) funds education throughout the United States.
The department was first created in 1867, when then President Andrew Johnson signed legislation to create it. It was first used as a way to collect statistics and information and provide advice to schools. In 1869, the department was adopted under the Department of the Interior as politicians had concerns that it would have too much control over schools. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed a law that would separate the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare into two departments. This separation established both the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services.
During fiscal year 2024, the ED had a total budget of $268 billion. This budget accounted for 4 percent of the total United States Budget of 6.8 trillion dollars. The department of Education was made by Congress; changing of its functions and duties require an act of Congress. President Trump has also signed a slew of executive orders that change how the Department of Education operates. These orders include promoting school choice, removing COVID-19 vaccine mandates to attend schools, ending racial indoctrination in schools and ending illegal discrimination while promoting merit based opportunities in higher education.
On Tuesday, Mar. 11 the Department of Education announced that they plan to lay off 1,300 employees. In an interview that was aired later that same day with Fox News Host Laura Ingraham, Education Secretary Linda McMahon was asked, “is this [layoffs] the first step to a total shutdown?” Education Secretary McMahon responded with, “yes actually it is […] His [Trump’s] directive to me, clearly, is to shut down the Department of Education, which we know we’ll have to work with Congress, to get that accomplished,” she said.
Since the Trump Administration has repeatedly said that dismantling the Department of Education is a priority of theirs, Wake County Public Schools decided to institute a hiring freeze to conserve funds. Wake County’s Board of Education Chair Chris Heagarty shared, “as a local policy in order to try to conserve as much funding as possible in anticipation of the loss of federal funding,” he said, “this is not a federal policy, but something we are implementing to try to create a reserve of funds so that we can continue operating schools without interruption if federal funding is lost.” This hiring freeze will not affect positions that Wake County has deemed essential to the continued operation of its schools, such as: bus drivers, safety assistants, central services, special education providers and maintenance/operations positions like HVAC. In the same policy memo that established the hiring freeze, it was also mentioned that the district would limit out of state travel for staff, this out of state travel restriction will not affect students. “This [policy] is for school staff for things like professional development training, conferences, awards ceremonies, and things of that nature,” he said. However, some staff may still travel if they pay for it or the cost is picked up by another source.

The department aims to establish policies on federal financial aid, as well as both distributing and monitoring it. After Congress passes education legislation, the department works on the implementation and the enforcement of these policies. The Department also allocates federal funding to schools across the country. These often include preschools, K-12 schools and higher education. It also provides special funding towards individuals with disabilities, low-income students, marginalized communities and also those students who have English as a second language. Wake County is a beneficiary of the federal Government’s funding, according to Board Chair Chris Heagarty the County receives, “Nearly 28 Million in Title I funding supports schools with the highest percentage of low-income students,” he said.
The ED is also responsible for collecting and overseeing research on education. The department works to gather data on various educational aspects including student performance and teaching methods. These research areas provide superintendents, principals, teachers and parents with insight into nationwide trends. This insight allows them to change their local systems to help students and teachers alike. These reports may cover topics like national assessments in subjects like math and reading. The research can identify more effective methods of teaching, practices and improvement zones, this data can be used to improve education quality throughout the United States.
Another part of what the ED does is ensure that all students have access to a high quality education regardless of student’s sex, race, color, national origin, age or disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that disabled students have an access to education. The act impacts students as it ensures that students with special needs are able to receive education at no additional costs to the family. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) helps students with special needs through giving accommodations to students to allow them to reach their educational goals. A 504 plan is another way to help students with disabilities have equal access to opportunities. If an individual or institution is in violation of these rights then the department will take action against the violators.
This has a direct impact on Wake County as many students with disabilities rely on these programs that provide services including speech and occupational therapy. Wake County is mandated by the federal government to provide these services. Without the federal government Wake County is left with footing the bill. Board Chair Heagarty said, “This would mean having to defund other educational services to fulfill this legal mandate and, even then, I cannot promise that the interruption in funding would not temporarily interrupt or disrupt plans that require these support services.”
The Education Department also identifies key issues and shifts the nation’s focus. These include policy recommendations, public advocacy, organizing events and programs. The department works to propose education reforms, advise the president on education policy and helps implement these priorities. The Secretary of Education alongside other Department officials give speeches to highlight their key education issues and policies. The Department organizes events and programs that draw attention to their main goals and issues.
There are a wide variety of opinions on this issue, some of these opinions include the potential negative impacts while others have a more positive outlook on the dismantlement of the Department of Education. This decision will change the role of the federal government in education, some say for the better and some for the worse.