Introducing… Taylor Tetrault! She advises students be realistic in their coarse registration and don’t say ‘no!’
Seniors Give Advice: Taylor Tetrault
“What do you wish someone had told you about highschool?”
In this edition of senior advice, Taylor Tetrault advises to put yourself out there and to take the appropriate amount of APs.
What do you want to tell underclassmen to help them for the future?
“Try new things. Do things that scare you. Do things that you’re like ‘I don’t know man, I’m not really qualified for that’. Do it anyway because you’ll become qualified for it.”
What clubs do you recommend?
“Join theater. Join theater. Join theater. Join theater. Join theater. You should join Drama Club.”
(Taylor is currently the Paint Head of the school’s upcoming Spring Musical, Freaky Friday.)
What do you wish you had done differently?
“Don’t take something just because you feel like you should take it. Take it because you actually are thinking that you could either do good in the class or that you’re interested in it. Also don’t take a boatload of classes just because your friends are doing it. I only took one AP class per semester and I’m really happy I did that because that’s what I knew I could handle.”
What do you want to tell them about success? What does it look like to you?
“Success is feeling content in where you are. You feel as though you reached the level that you want to be at. You don’t feel that you want to go anywhere else and you’re at where you want to be.”