Beginning summer with a splash: Pool openings in the area

Children join neighborhood swim teams in the summer to learn how to swim and get some physical activity.
Children join neighborhood swim teams in the summer to learn how to swim and get some physical activity.
Mason Cline

As summer quickly approaches, students eagerly await the absence of assignments and the arrival of clear, sunny skies. With their additional free time, many people choose to spend their time under the sun. 

Men over 18 at the Wesley neighborhood pool participate in an annual game of watermelon rugby, played on July 4th. (Mason Cline)

Throughout May, pools open all over Cary and, currently almost every neighborhood opened its pool or soon will do so. That information can be found on neighborhood websites using emails of current residents.

Spending a day at the pool is a good pass time and as pools open all over Cary, many people are excited to participate in water-related activities. On top of the enjoyment that comes from the leisure of using the pool, it also provides career opportunities for students in search of a summer job.

Here are some local pools to visit during the summer:

Cary Park Swim Club

This outdoor pool located in Cary Park is open to neighborhood residents and a membership can be bought if not a current resident. 

Prestonwood Country Club

This establishment has 3 pools but is very expensive. The cheapest membership with access to the pools is a social membership but more affordable options are available.

Triangle Aquatic Center 

This indoor swimming center is mainly for swimming lessons and it’s home to the biggest swim team in the triangle. 

Both Cary YMCA and Lifetime Fitness

The YMCA and Lifetime Fitness Center have both indoor and outdoor pools as well as gym equipment that is available to members

High schoolers always need money and lifeguarding is a good opportunity that is in high demand. Due to factors like COVID-19 and the lack of people taking the job seriously, the annual amount of lifeguards being trained (309,000) has been on a steady decrease. This job is not only a good source of income, but it is also an important social service.

However, in order to be a lifeguard and save lives while saving money, the applicant must be in decent physical shape. Ironically enough, swimming in a pool provides many exercise benefits. 

Swimming is a great form of cardio and a nondiscriminatory workout. Anyone of any age can get exercise at the pool due to the less strain put on the joints when in water. People with conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and any other form of joint pain will find that water-based exercise is less painful than alternative land-based exercises and could actually potentially reduce pain. 

While there are major health benefits, there are minor risks that are important to acknowledge so that everyone in the pool remains safe. Down below is a list of pool-related health issues and how to prevent them.

  • Swimmers ear (acute otitis externa): This happens when water gathers in the outer ear and makes a suitable environment for bacteria growth. Good ways to prevent this are wearing earplugs and making sure to dry out ears with a towel after swimming.
  • Skin rashes: Most commonly caused by poorly maintained pools causing itchy red bumpy skin. The best ways to prevent this are by washing your bathing suit and showering with soap after leaving a pool, especially a hot tub.
  • Flu-like symptoms: High-risk people, like elders and those with pre-existing conditions, can get ill from poor pool conditions. Because of this, it is important to make sure the chemical levels are suitable for people of all ages.

Pools offer something to all age groups whether it’s enjoyment, employment or exercise. Visiting a newly or soon to be opened, local pool should be on everyone’s list of things to do this summer whenever they get the chance.

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